Channel orange review needle drop
Channel orange review needle drop

channel orange review needle drop

Dude is crazy knowledgeable without feeling the need to be hyper-referential (cough - pitchfork - cough). One of the few that really talks about the music in depth and I'm always impressed with the thought and attention he gives to all the little things on these albums (and with the huge range of styles he reviews). I think Fantano is one of the best reviewers out there (best I know of). The album has its bright spots and it's not a total train wreck (except for the Swizz Beats song), but it's predictable and forgettable. I've listened though it twice without stopping and I can tell you I'm not gonna be coming back to this album in a few years.

channel orange review needle drop

I think he hit the nail on the head, Nas has a terrible ear for beats and as much as I respect him as a lyricist I don't think he does anything new or unpredictable on this album. Dude is pretty much spot on to me, especially when you consider that for The Needle Drop a 7 or 8 is pretty fucking good.

Channel orange review needle drop